The ramblings of a law student known as Nic.
It has been a long week. I arrived earlier in the week to find in raining in L-ville, and it has been raining almost nonstop since I got here. That means that I have been walking to and from the parking lots in the rain with no umbrella because I discovered that my MTSU umbrella, which I had been carrying since my sophomore year in undergrad, was bent beyond repair. I refuse to pay $10-$20 on campus for an umbrella or to drive all over town looking for a cheap place to buy one. Today when I go to Wal*Mart after the structured study group I fully intend to buy an inexpensive one because there has been no word on when it is supposed to stop raining. In fact it is still pouring outside as I type this entry. As though my current location needed to be in danger of even more flooding issues. Also, it is not fun to have to wiggle your way into your car with your books and laptop bag while it is raining because the people parked around you don't seem to understand that you put your car between the lines on the pavement that mark your parking space. I try to be nice and not scratch their pretty little plastic car with the door of my big metal tank, so it takes twice as long to get in that it should. I'm not a small woman, and so I have to wiggle my hips and do a strange combination of dance and contortion in order to squirm my way into my blazer.
I usually don't complain about my hair or anything, but seriously this wet weather has turned me into a gigantic fuzzball. Also, it makes it take twenty or thirty minutes longer to get ready, and all that time is wasted when I step outside the apartment. My hair is all frizzy, wavy, and out of control, and it gets in my way. I've got the layers in this mess, and they are really a pain lately because I can't just pull it all back and leave just my bangs. Instead it all falls out and the ponytail just looks like I've never brushed my hair. And it's difficult to get anything done when I keep having to push my hair out of my face. I guess I will have to invest in some headbands or bandanas, which is a bit ridiculous because I have sort of short hair. Also, I am definitely having Mindy, the brilliant woman who cuts my hair, fix it so that I don't the extra layer on top; hopefully that will fix this mess. Low maintenance, but still attractive, hair is a must for Nic while she is in law school.
I've discovered that I live among some ridiculously ill-mannered reavers undergrads who run down the halls of the apartment building screaming at each other and play whatever they pretend is music extremely loud. I honestly thought there was a fight right outside my door the other night because there was a group of boys outside yelling obcenities at each other, but it turned out that they were apparently just joking around. Nic was not amused. Also, as it turns out, my bedroom window is right next to the balcony, and one night at around midnight when I was so drained I couldn't think and the last of my caffiene had finally worn off I wound up listening to some guy talking for thirty minutes about how he thought he loved some girl. Last night I retreated to my bedroom in attempt to avoid the pounding music from my neighbors. I arrived home Tuesday afternoon to the sounds of some strange hip hop music that was so loud that I could hear it all the way in the laundry room with three dryers and two washers going. I swear it's ridiculous. Why does the entire apartment have to hear what you are listening to?
Yesterday I checked my rent situation, which has been out of whack since I got to KY six weeks ago, to discover that it is huge mess and has gotten worse. So now when I get back from my shopping I have to call them and jump through all their hoops so that I can get that taken care of because I can't leave it unsettled. As though I had time to deal with that stupidity, which I will not get into other than to say that they are charging me rent for two apartments and I only live in one. On top of that I have got to get my rough draft done this weekend, and so I will be spending almost all my time hiding in the apartment writing. My current goal for the weekend, besides making sure my class stuff is done, is to have a complete draft of the memo done and have my outlines all caught up. This should be enough to keep me completely busy.
Labels: Frustration, Law School