Friday, August 7, 2009

So tomorrow morning I head to Louisville to move into my new apartment, and I am both nervous and excited. It has all become real, the move, the new place, the fact that I am in law school.. Almost everything is packed up, with the exception of things that I needed for the last couple of days like pillows and a few clothes; there are boxes sitting around waiting to be loaded into my blazer. My father is finishing up the work on my blazer, and I will put in my locks this afternoon. Yes readers, there is no denying that Nic is moving tomorrow. I packed up my books, which was difficult because I am an admitted bibliophile with too many books to take, and I got all my clothes washed to take with me. I'm coming back next weekend to run the blazer through emissions for my tags, have lunch with my Grandpa Eddie, and a few other things; hopefully Jacob will have time off so that I can see him next weekend before I leave sometime Sunday. I will have some reading to do that weekend so I can't do much.

I registered my classes wednesday night, so all that's left there is to order my books. I'm not a fan of my schedule, but I didn't get to pick it because I am just a 1L; I only have one class on Fridays, which is nice, and a huge break on everyday, which I'm not sure I like very much. I'm not looking forward to the price of my books; they are super expensive. Here's what my schedule looks like for the semester:


  • Legal Research 9:00AM - 9:50AM
  • Basic Legal Skills 10:25AM - 11:40AM
  • Civil Procedure I 1:00PM - 2:15PM
  • Torts I 2:25PM - 3:40PM
  • Propert I 9:00AM - 10:15AM
  • Contracts I 2:25PM - 3:40PM
I've got a to do list that keeps growing: everything from picking up the last things for the apartment to getting my laptop connected to their system and doing my first assignment in contracts, which I have just now gotten to open up for me. I think I will probably get started on my contracts assignment tonight, that way maybe I will have it printed off as soon as I possibly can. It's just a case brief, which I've done before, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Well I better get back to work. The next entry will be from my new apartment.

1 Comment:

  1. Anna W. said...
    That is so exciting! Have fun unpacking everything in your new apartment!

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