Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week one of law school is over, officially. I have had at two classes of each of my courses, except for Legal Research, which had three, and I just finished my first piece of legal analysis, though I'm not quite sure that I did it right. Either way, I actually tried, and that is what matters since my professor is not grading these. I'm actually just proud that I got it done before tomorrow night since it's due Monday. That means I can print it off here instead on in the library. The week has gone pretty well, except that it's been super busy. That coupled with the fact that I'm pretty sure I was developing a sinus infection, which I pretty much killed with some over the counter medicine, it's been an adventure.

I tried to get my TV and DVD player hooked up, but it failed. Right now, when I am not swamped with briefs to write, I watch TV on Hulu, which I'm pretty sure is a gift from heaven. I managed to unpack everything and get it all put away. I kept the apartment rather clean with the exception of my bedroom, but even it isn't as bad as it could be. I cooked real meals for the most part, which is something I am very proud of to be honest. Other than my diet cokes and cookies, which I eat sparingly, I've managed to eat rather healthy. I can't really cook with much oil, so I bought light popcorn for the microwave, and I bought apples to snack on for the week. I also have apple juice and orange juice in my fridge, and I'm practically chugging water. While I haven't worked out my exercise issue yet (ha ha unintended pun), I am managing that whole eat healthier bit. There is a gym on campus, but I would have to carry gym stuff to work out there. Either way, I'm going to have to get some exercise and figure out how to get some sleep, otherwise I will just remain fat and tired.

I've been able to keep up with the reading and cases pretty well, and I am understanding almost everything very quickly. I'm not a fan of BLS, Legal Research, or Civ Pro, which are all pretty boring classes. BLS and Legal Research are important, or so they tell us, but they are mostly lecture and research/writing practice so it's pretty dull. Civ Pro is just boring and mostly a review of things I learned in undergrad. I really like torts, which has been straight forward and easy, and I'm pretty sure it is the most interesting class I will have all semester. Starting next Friday I will have to attend structured study groups almost every week, which I'm not sure will help me, so even after I don't have Legal Research I will be stuck at the law school.

Well having completed one assignment and only having maybe 7 or so cases to brief for Monday, I think I will call it a night.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I am sitting here in my little apartment, next to a huge stack of very expensive textbooks, officially a law student. Thursday was the last day of orientation for the 1L students, and I went to pick up my massive stack of books. My books were contained in two boxes, and they are huge. My four main texts are the size of dictionaries; I also have a pocket version of Black's Law Dictionary and various smaller books. My first day of actual classes is tomorrow, and already I am covered in work to do. There are lots of cases to brief and pages to read, but I have divided everything up so that it will be manageable. I've bought all my supplies for class as well, like my pens, highlighters, and notebooks. Everything is set now, and as soon as I finish this entry I will be finishing up my work for tomorrow. I already started on it earlier.

I moved into the apartment, completely, as of today. I finally unpacked all my stuff and put it away, and I even made a pitcher of sweet tea; I believe that a place isn't home until there is a pitcher of sweet tea in your fridge. My apartment is a one bedroom place on the top floor of a building right in the middle of the hospital district in downtown. While living by myself is an adjustment, to be honest perhaps the biggest one is the fact that I live where there is a truck load of traffic, pun not intended. I'm not used to the noise outside really; every night is a struggle to get to sleep, but I'm slowly but surely getting better. Life up here is an adventure. I say up here, even though I'm not extremely far north because for the most part Southern accents are few and far between, and I've yet to get a decent glass of sweet tea except for the stuff I made tonight, which is really good. My own accent has been progressively stronger, and I think it is because I seem to be compensating for the lack of accent everywhere.

As for the plan I mentioned, I'm working on getting with it. I haven't bought a lot of junk food for the apartment, but one of my new problems is that I haven't found the gym close to here yet. There's a gym in the student activity center, but it would require me to stay on campus to use it. Since I live downtown there is really no place for me to safely go on a walk. When I finally get my TV and DVD player hooked up I can go back to my cardio work outs on DVD, which were working when I could do them. The Barrister Ball is in the spring, and I am determined to make myself less fat and jiggly by then. It's actually a good thing because it gives me even more motivation to keep up with my plan to get healthy.

Well readers, I better get to work. I have several more cases to brief and about 50 pages more to read.

Friday, August 7, 2009

So tomorrow morning I head to Louisville to move into my new apartment, and I am both nervous and excited. It has all become real, the move, the new place, the fact that I am in law school.. Almost everything is packed up, with the exception of things that I needed for the last couple of days like pillows and a few clothes; there are boxes sitting around waiting to be loaded into my blazer. My father is finishing up the work on my blazer, and I will put in my locks this afternoon. Yes readers, there is no denying that Nic is moving tomorrow. I packed up my books, which was difficult because I am an admitted bibliophile with too many books to take, and I got all my clothes washed to take with me. I'm coming back next weekend to run the blazer through emissions for my tags, have lunch with my Grandpa Eddie, and a few other things; hopefully Jacob will have time off so that I can see him next weekend before I leave sometime Sunday. I will have some reading to do that weekend so I can't do much.

I registered my classes wednesday night, so all that's left there is to order my books. I'm not a fan of my schedule, but I didn't get to pick it because I am just a 1L; I only have one class on Fridays, which is nice, and a huge break on everyday, which I'm not sure I like very much. I'm not looking forward to the price of my books; they are super expensive. Here's what my schedule looks like for the semester:


  • Legal Research 9:00AM - 9:50AM
  • Basic Legal Skills 10:25AM - 11:40AM
  • Civil Procedure I 1:00PM - 2:15PM
  • Torts I 2:25PM - 3:40PM
  • Propert I 9:00AM - 10:15AM
  • Contracts I 2:25PM - 3:40PM
I've got a to do list that keeps growing: everything from picking up the last things for the apartment to getting my laptop connected to their system and doing my first assignment in contracts, which I have just now gotten to open up for me. I think I will probably get started on my contracts assignment tonight, that way maybe I will have it printed off as soon as I possibly can. It's just a case brief, which I've done before, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Well I better get back to work. The next entry will be from my new apartment.
